Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Effects of a Stressed Out Heart

The involuntary function of the body, like circulation, is controlled by the autonomic nervous system and the endocrine system. The autonomic nervous system is divided into two: The Sympathetic and Parasympathetic.

When the sympathetic nervous system is stimulated, a person's stress level increases. Stress increases our heart rate. Again, when this system is stimulated beyond a point, it results in decrease in HDC level, rise in oxidized LDL level, and increase in vascular spasm. These changes in the body cause atherosclerosis, plaque formation, plaque rupture and increase in platelet stickiness. Prolonged stress causes psychosomatic diseases like hypertension, diabetes etc.

The parasympathetic nervous system works against the sympathetic system, to balance the stress level. Practice of yoga stimulates the parasympathetic system and combats stress.

Care should be taken to avoid negative emotions that dominate the mind (emotions like anger, hostility, resentment, jealousy, fear, vanity, egoism and criticism). These negative emotions induce secretion of hormones that increase the irritability of the myocardium (the muscle of the heart). Negative emotions also bring down the immunity level of a person, causing an overall deterioration of health.

Yoga - A Whole-Hearted Effort

Yoga is a way to healthy living. Heart is like any other muscle in our body, which works perpetually. Therefore, it needs to be used and then rested.

Recent studies say that diseases of the heart are preventable and reversible. They say that by changing one's lifestyle, one can create a healthier heart. At the deeper level, surgery and drugs do not offer the ultimate solution to diseases of the heart. People with heart disease should not suppress their feelings. Rather they should seek support groups or friends to vent out their emotions. Many people manifest their repressed feelings through the physical body, as disease.

Cardiologists say that, a low- fat diet, preferably vegetarian foods, moderate exercise, a positive frame of mind with the practice of yoga, will help in the cure of the disease. The path of yoga helps in the prevention of stress in healthy people, aids in the recovery of diseases and other illnesses, gives strength to the physical body and helps in weight loss. Yoga induces deep relaxation, and wellness of body, mind and soul.

The five essential parts of yoga practice involve:

1. Yoga postures or asanas
2. Pranayama or breathing exercises
3. Yoganidra or deep relaxation
4. Visualization or imagery
5. Meditation


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