A lot of times, when people take up running they quickly lose track of their heart rate and breathing. This results in a fast loss of energy in a short amount of time. In this article you will learn how to easily control your heart rate while running, so that the only thing slowing you down is the limits you put on yourself
1. After you are warmed up and stretched out start at a nice even pace. Take a slow breath in through your nose for a count of 4 or 5, depending on what is most comfortable for you, and breathe out through your mouth for the same count.
2. As your heart rate starts to go up, decrease your count, but not by more than a count or two. Unless you're tackling a hill keep a steady pace of no less than 3 counts in and 3 counts out.
3. When it comes to hills, less is more. Decrease your count to 2 or 3 breaths in/out but no less than that as your heart rate will climb too fast and you don't want to hyperventilate. When you go down the hill slow things down as much as possible and get back to a 3-4 count breath.
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