Jogging – is one of the easiest, accessible and useful kinds of sports. Ex-coach in track and field athletics Armen Movsesjan told some facts about how to run correctly and restore your health, and not the reverse.
In order to understand what does jogging mean, at least once you should make yourself stand up from the sofa and go jogging in the open air. Minimally you will get pleasure from movement and unforgettable feeling of flight and freedom. Maximally – you will restore your health, not only physical.
How does jogging benefit the body?
Jogging is first of all the load on the heart. Practically it has not got contraindications (except low blood pressure). Even people with flat-foot but in right shoes can run.
Jogging rouses the whole body – it is the best remedy for hypertension, as well as for breath and sniffle. It’s a rare pick-you-up. Jogging also improves circulatory system.

Moreover, jogging gets into shape all muscle groups: when you are running, it is working not only calves and hips, but also prelum abdominale, arms and neck. By that, the pressure loading is quite mild. In general, jogging, if it is combined with a right nutrition, – is one of the best way to lose weight.
The main jogging’s advantage is its ability to distress. You get to choose – run in the park, listening birdsongs, or along the road, gazing after passing cars. In any case, good jogging can be compared with a flight. In a literal sense it blows the cobwebs away, and for people who live in megapolis it is simple very necessary.
Where to start?
Usually the main novices` mistake is too rash beginning. You should start gradually and with time raise loads to a certain maximum. But even if you are already experienced runner, remember – too intensive loads are not healthy, quite the contrary, they destroy organism, that becomes evident with the passing of the years. Your purpose is not world record, but strong health and keeping body in tone, so you should jog. Just this kind of run is the safest for your joints. In order to determine more exactly, we need to take pulse rate: on average it should be 100-110 beats per minute, no more than 120.

How to share a load correctly?
You need not run as soon as you go into the street. Spare 3-5 minutes for warming-up in order to stretch joints. Do some easy exercises like squats, calf stretching, etc. You can diversify the process of jogging, periodically speeding rate to 200 meters. Last 50 meters slacken your pace and walk for a while in order to restore breathing. After that do some stretching exercises.
If you want to add power load, do some abdominal exercises, as well as chin-ups, squats and push-ups. Jogging will prepare your ligaments and joints for such exercises.
Besides, with the purpose of diversity you can alternate jogging with cycling (a day – jogging, a day – cycling).
When and how much?
In the beginning listen to your organism and gradually with 10-15 minutes reach up to30 – it is sufficient for good jogging. The warming-up should take 3-5 minutes. If you combine jogging with weight-lifting exercises, then total time will be about an hour.
The schedule runs everyone chooses independently, but in general, 2-3 times a weekwill be enough. If you want to run more, you can run every other day, but no more: your muscles need time to recover.
One more fine point – what time of a day is good for jogging – morning or evening. This question is carefully discussed by jogging fans. There is an idea that morning jogging leads to infarction. It is not without reason: the organism does not wake up and rest, and jogging is surely the rousing for our body. So it will be better to get enough sleep and only then go jogging.
How to choose right shoes and clothes.

The choice of running shoes will be depend on surface where are you going to run. Jogging on such firm soil as asphalt is disastrous for our joints. They get a heavy shock and rub sore. With time your organism will literally «fall to ruin». That is why even if you decide to run on the asphalt, choose thick-soled shoes. The rubber coating of stadiums, grass, sand or mild ground allow runners to put on thin-soled shoes.
As for clothes, the main thing, you should not be afraid of frost in winter. Let me tell you, even in cold season you can do with a cotton warmup suit and a cap. People who running for weight loss, should dress warmer, because in order to achieve better result, they need to sweat as much as possible.

How to breathe and eat correctly.
During jogging it is important to ease up and try not to adjust for some certainbreathing rhythm. Quite the opposite, the rhythm will come itself, if it is not be broken.
As for nutrition, probably because of jogging you will have a good appetite. So at the beginning it may be difficult, especially for those who grow thin, – they will have to see carefully to their cooking. But there are some people who have moderate appetite just after the beginning of regular trainings.
It is permissible to eat before jogging on average for 30 minutes, the best of all would be fruit and vegetables. If you have hearty meal, then wait for an hour. After training you can eat right away.
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