Before you go swimming, make sure you get some kickboards, a light foam board that supports your upper body, and a pull-buoy. You want to vary your style such as free style, breast stroke, butterfly, etc. You also want to vary the pace in swimming such as going faster with shorter distances and slow and swimming a little longer.
Also using kickboards and pull-buoys will help you fight boredom and ensures that you work your muscles every possible way.
The following are the benefits of swimming:
- Provides a full body work out
- Strengthens your heart
- Improves delivery of oxygen to the muscles
- Strengthens the abs, back, shoulders, and arms
Jogging is also an important activity that will help you lose weight more easily. Weather you want to jog in the morning, day or even in the evening, this exercise alone will help you drop some weight off. Before you go jogging, here are a few things that you should have. You should purchase a good pair of running sneakers. Some people have flat feet; some people have high arches, so make sure you have the right support in terms of sneakers. Make sure you also have clothing that has provides good air circulation.
Here are some benefits of jogging:
- Relieves stress
- Improves your mood
- Conditions the heart
- Strengthens your bone
- Burns a high calorie amount
Whether you like to jog or run, make sure that you do it. It's all good to read all this information and know the knowledge but without executing these activities, you won't be able to reach your desire weight.
Gary Cheung is fitness professional in New York City. He has helped many people change their lives. He currently runs a free informational website on weight loss. |
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