Exercise like swimming and jogging are the best to burn out the calories. We have to be more active in our daily life which itself is an exercise. We should think how we could increase walking in our daily life. The key factor to reduce your weight is regular aerobic exercises like jogging, swimming and brisk walking.
We can walk up and down the staircase our selves instead of depending on the wife or children. We can walk to the nearby shop instead of going to the place by car or sending the children or the servant.
What we have discussed above alone will not be sufficient to bring about desirable changes in the weight. We need to allot specific time for exercise. The allotted time must be not less than 4 hours per week.
Many people may think it is more. In reality it is not so considering that a week has 168 hours. Out these 168 hours allotting only 4 hours for the health is just nothing. Is it not?
Jogging is the best form of exercise. There is no need for a trainer for jogging. It is better to jog in the morning as the weather will be pleasant and even our mind will be refreshed. If the climate is bad we can jog inside the house or in the gym on the treadmill.
While jogging all most all part of the body is put in to use. It is the excellent exercise for the heart. The heart has to pump blood to all parts of the body.
The respiratory system should work at its best, as it needs to supply the increased demand of the oxygen to all parts of the body. As all part of the body is working more, calories are burned thus maintaining the body slim.
Swimming is the next best aerobic exercise to jogging. While you are swimming hands, legs, chest, abdomen, shoulder, feet etc are made to work.
The heart and the lungs will be working at its maximum capacity to take care of the increased load of blood and oxygen. Because of this all parts of the body gets fresh nutrients and remain healthy. Like jogging during swimming also more calories are burned.
Exercises such as jogging would be better and advisable choice to reduce your weight. Swimming is perhaps the most common and practical exercise any one can perform it without any side effects.
Hence jogging and swimming are considered to be the best and the right exercises to remain slim.
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