There are few children, even who are go in for sports, can get pleasure from long-distance races. Perhaps runners or may be also skiers are impatient to get to the snow. If you want to make jogging like a habit or skill, there is one usual and only method: start jogging with a child as early as possible.
Mr. Doman writes that in the Philadelphia Institute children start jogging since one and a half years. To four years most of the students can run about 5 kilometers nonstop. Mr. Doman also gives an example how to start with 100 meters, within a year or two, get to 5 kilometers per day. Such a scheme can draw each parent, who has finished secondary school. The worst is, in the most favorable conditions or in the most beautiful park as well as in the softest weather, your child will not run WITHOUT YOU.
There is one more Mr. Doman’s common truth – «Prevent child from jogging – means break his brain’s development and formation». How many percent of parents encourage kid’s running? Walking is more boring than running: the cubs of different animals are running, instead of walking.
How many parents agree with their children to run, when they ask for it?
So we have found out the main problem. It should be solved in the following way. Say this phrase: «Every sportsman, especially my child, must run perfectly, and I am ready to help him!». Until you do not start run regularly with the child, the thing will not set afoot. Don’t take it as a torture. If your body becomes utterly lazy and you are out of training, it’s a great success that you have an opportunity to run every day. Don’t worry, all passers-by will look at a baby, who is running with you, and nobody will pay attention to your technique or to your tracksuit’s brand-name.

So we have found out the main problem. It should be solved in the following way. Say this phrase: «Every sportsman, especially my child, must run perfectly, and I am ready to help him!». Until you do not start run regularly with the child, the thing will not set afoot. Don’t take it as a torture. If your body becomes utterly lazy and you are out of training, it’s a great success that you have an opportunity to run every day. Don’t worry, all passers-by will look at a baby, who is running with you, and nobody will pay attention to your technique or to your tracksuit’s brand-name.
We will not teach the reader how to run. We can only give an advice: never run with small children just from the house. Drive two or three bus-stops and return back running. It is difficult for kid to run «to nowhere», but he can completely understand the task of homeward road. For running try to use already known for child roads, in order nothing will distract him. In this case the road does not seem long.
At what age child can become a full-fledged partner in running? In the second half of the third year of life, but may be earlier. The purchase of nice soft running shoes may have an influence on love for jogging, especially when elder brother usually wearsrunning shoes for training. The best ground for jogging is sand and snow.
At this age child can run 1,5-2 km of easy jogging. Don’t try to set up a record, but have some numbers in your thoughts: trained child, a little elder than 2,5 years can run 50 meters for 20 seconds, 100 meters – for 45 seconds. It is a good average result.
And the most important thing. Usually the duty for jogging falls on father’s shoulders. It is
unjust! Get mothers to take part in it. If they want to have champion kids, they also should take the rap.
unjust! Get mothers to take part in it. If they want to have champion kids, they also should take the rap.

How to teach three-year-old child to run?
Running skills promote brain development (Effects of jogging), because cerebral cortex is responsible for jogging, which in its turn stimulates cortex’s development. Regular running excites breathing and fill child with energy. There is no need to wrap the kid before jogging. Think about comfortable shoes.
It is better to start running on power-tamped earth or on the cut lawn. Never force your child to run and during running don’t hold him by the hand. For a start, run one step further before the child and set the right pace. At the beginning small children are gung-ho and run too fast, so they can not keep your pace. Jog regularly on the same route. Sooner or later your child will study the fixed route and will not stop and digress any more.
Always try to run in the open air, snow is not an obstacle for trainings. Before jogging, always let your child know how far are you going to run today. Show the initiative, so that running will give pleasure to your child. For example Adriana, tree-years-old girl, likes dancing or listening to the pocket tape recorder during jogging. The main Doman’s idea is a course.
Schemes may be different, but in general they are intended for several months, while you involve your child in this sport. Mr. Doman proposes start with a two-years-old child with 10-15 seconds, but they should be more then one. Gradually increase the run distance, so that your kid can run one hundred meters. After that you draw up a scheme:
1st week – 20 runs by 100 meters,
3rd week – 15 runs, 120 meters,
6th week – 12 runs by 150 meters,
9th week – 10 runs by 180 meters,
12th week – 8 runs by 230 meters,
15th week – 6 runs by 300 meters,
18th week – 4 runs by 380 meters,
21st week – 3 runs by 600 meters,
24th week – 2 runs by 900 meters.
3rd week – 15 runs, 120 meters,
6th week – 12 runs by 150 meters,
9th week – 10 runs by 180 meters,
12th week – 8 runs by 230 meters,
15th week – 6 runs by 300 meters,
18th week – 4 runs by 380 meters,
21st week – 3 runs by 600 meters,
24th week – 2 runs by 900 meters.
At the Institute they start to develop race program when children are (!) 18 months. The best of all would be jogging every day, at the least 4 times per week. Every day little by little you increase running distance thereby lead it to 5 kilometers. Mr. Doman recommends increase distance up to 250 meters per month. A lot of children from the Glenn Doman Institute run for 5 kilometers at the age of four, and it takes them nearly 40 minutes. In addition to these five kilometers, Mr. Doman advises add some accelerations, bring them up to 10 accelerations at a In addition to these five kilometers, Mr. Doman advises add some accelerations bringing them up to 10 accelerations at a 5 meter distance. Cross running defines functioning of the developed cerebral cortex. If it happens at the age of 2-3, your child is far behind average statistical results. (Mean value is 6 years old).
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