Jogging is the most simple and effective way of physical training that you can do at any time and at any place.
Jogging reduces cholesterol and blood sugar, normalizes the weight (by rational nutrition), improves the metabolism, influences the skin, trains cardiovascular and respiratory systems and has a positive influence on the musculoskeletal system of the organism. Jogging is also an excellent prevention of the arthropathy, moreover its greatly improves the working efficiency and endurance, and helps to strive with nervous irritation.
Jogging not only keeps muscles in tone, but also has beneficial effects on brain activity. American scientists have determined that jogging and other intensive physical exercises cause intensive growth of new brain cells. Especially by processes of learning and memorizing. It asserts results of many researches. During the jogging, brain as a rule, preoccupies with positive thoughts. Jogging helps us to concentrate and to be in a mood for working.
Before go in for sports you should be advised by therapist. Before exercises do the cardiogram and measure the pressure. If you have some pathologies, then make and coordinate with a doctor an individual plan of exercises and act exactly according to plan.
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