What is Islam Yoga?
Islam is an Arabic word means to surrender to God and be one with your self & God with love By physical ,mental, spiritual practices leads to the harmony and balance of the Innate quality to reach the inner peace and oneness.
Yoga is an Indian word means to be one unit with your self and the universe and God
By moral, physical, mental, spiritual practice leads to the harmony and balance to reach the inner peace and oneness .

Islam yoga is the art and science of physical, mental, spiritual health which lead to the harmony and balance to reach the inner peace through the principles of the Islamic culture and civilization for everyone.

1- Moral health:
A- Islamic Moral Principles:
Faith in God -Mercy – Forgiveness - Honesty – Respect - Peace – Love –Contentment – Knowledge - wisdom - Helping – Sharing – Development - Working hard - Cleanliness - Self observing - Self control - Freedom.

B- Islamic Art of Living:
Communications and relationships
( The individuals - The Couples – The Family – The Society – God) by the Islamic principles .
2- Physical Health
A- Body exercises
B- Breathing exercises
C- The five senses control exercises
The Islamic body health system from Ahadeeth & Quraan.
D- Islamic Healing:
By el Tebb El Nabawey from Ahadeeth & Quraan

3- Mental Health
A- Concentration exercises
B- Meditation
Practice Mental exercises using Nature & subjects or positive Ideas or concepts According to the Islamic principles from Ahadeeth & Quraan.

C- Islamic chanting:
By Islamic words, Names of God, Quraan as Islamic mental health practice (Islamic Mantras)
4- Spiritual Practice:

Islamic Spiritual Practice:
The 5 essential principles:1- Believe in God & Prophet Mohamed And All the prophets and holy books 2- The prayers 3- Fasting 4- El Zakat 5-Pilgrimage .
(Islamic Bhakti Yoga)
5- Islamic symbols , Arts & sciences:
El zakharif El Islameya ( Islamic Mandalas) – Islamic Architectures – Islamic astrology in Quraan.
great stuff dude
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